Neue Klangkunst


Event location

Neue Klangkunst

Pavillon 333
Türkenstraße 15

80333 Munich


At a glance :
8:00 pm o' clock: Reading by Stefan Winter from "Schiffbruch vor Lampedusa" by Davide Enia
9:00 pm o' clock: Knitting machine performance with voices

The multimedia installation and performance “Das Floß der Medusa" (The Raft of the Medusa) by Karen Modrei (textile art), Mariko Takahashi and Stefan Winter (sound art) invites you to listen, watch and pause. Film and sound art based on Géricault's painting of the same name will appear in a web of threads and fabrics and refer to the scene of a shipwreck off Lampedusa on October 3, 2013. This human catastrophe is not an isolated incident, madness takes its course.

8 pm: Reading by Stefan Winter from "Schiffbruch vor Lampedusa" by Davide Enia

9 pm: Knitting machine performance with voices