How does it work?

It’s really simple: The Long Night ticket for 20 € is valid for admission to all participating venues for one adult plus up to four children (aged 4-14 years) for the evening program and for the MVG shuttle buses, linking every venue on five routes.
You can hop on and off at any stop and change routes whenever you like.


Where do I get tickets?

Tickets are available for €20 at all participating venues and partner locations, as well as on the day of the event at the ticket booth on Odeonsplatz, starting from 1 pm. Additional fees might be charged at the advance booking offices of München Ticket (also online in the webshop).


What is included?

The Long Night ticket valid for admission to all participating venues for one adult plus up to four children (aged 4-14 years) for the evening program and for the MVG shuttle buses, linking every venue on five routes.


Are there any discounts?

There are no discounts for pensioners, students or persons with Munich Card.

Anyone accompanying a disabled person has free admission without a ticket, if an officially validated disabled persons’ pass bears the letter „B“  and the commentary “right to bring an accompanying is documented“.


Are the annual tickets of the individual museums also valid during the Long Night?

No, the Long Night is an exclusive event, therefore the various museums’ annual tickets are not valid for admission on this evening.


Where can I get the printed program?

You can get the printed program in German at the advance booking offices of München Ticket. It is also available at all participating venues and on the day of the event at the ticket booth on the Odeonsplatz (opening at 1 pm).

Here you can download the program as PDF. Please note, that the booklet offers just a short discription of the program and some information is not mentioned at all. Therefore, we strongly recommend to additionally have a look at the program on our homepage, which is always up-to-date.

How long does the Long Night of Munich Museums last?

The Long Night starts at 6 pm and at almost all venues the programm continues until 1 am.
Program points such as city walking tours that do not take place at a specific venue will occur only at the times specified. In some venues admission is only possible as part of a booked guided tour: Alegria Exhibition - Tutanchamun, Großmarkthalle, Hochschule für Musik und TheaterHofbräuhaus Kunstmühle, MUCA, München Tourismus (Town hall tour). 

You may also have to register for various guided tours in advance: Guided tour of the BMW Museum, guided tour of die Borstei, club tour with cultural advisor Anton Biebl, special guided tour of the Museum Fünf Kontinente, Münchner Stadtentwässerung, MGV-Münchner Gästeführer Verein (Nothin‘ Works without Women / From art monarch to art centre: 200 years of the Munich museum landscape), Kunstvermittlung / Städtische Kunsträume, Münchner Schatzsuche, MunichArt, Magda Bittner-Simmet Stiftung, Stadtreisen: Stroll through Munich's center, MPZ - Munich in the Middle Ages, MPZ - The Münchner Kindl and its beer and Münchner Blaulicht

Is the event barrier-free?

All information about accessibility can be found at the overview of all participating venues or in the index of the printed program.
For detailed information, please contact the participating venues directly prior to attending or visit


Where does the Long Night take place?

More than 100 museums, collections, institutions and galleries are taking part this year. They are the place where it all happens. You can find the locations of the individual houses in the city maps of the respective tours in the program booklet.


Where does the Children’s Program take place?

At 14 museums, most of which are also taking part in the evening program of the Long Night. The addresses and the program at each venue can be found here.


How and how long are young people allowed to visit the Long Night?

The German law concerning minors in public applies, the Jugendschutzgesetz. This means that young persons over 16 may take part in the event without accompanying adult until midnight at the latest. Should 16 and 17-year-olds want to stay longer, then – and the following also applies to all those not yet 16 years old – a legal guardian or person authorized as such must take over supervision. This can be parents or, for example, older siblings, uncle or aunt. The supervision duty should be clearly delegated by the parents for the event, confirmed in writing with a telephone number under which the parents can be reached. For this purpose you can use the Formular des Jugendamtes München (form by the Youth Office Munich). Further details can be found at their website.


Where can I find more information?

If you have any further questions, we would be pleased to give you further details on our Hotline + (0) (89) 30 61 00 41 or by email at You can also find a lot of information on our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook!


How can I get information during the event?

The heart of the Long Night beats at Odeonsplatz. Starting on the day of the event at 1 pm, there will be an information booth there where we would be glad to answer your questions concerning the Long Night. Our Info Scouts will also be along on the tours and are also ready to answer any questions you may have.


How do I get home after the Long Night?

The MVG Nachtlinien (Night-owl Lines) will be operating between approx. 1 and 5 am. We recommend using the MVG app ("MVG Fahrinfo München"). You can find more information at


What do I see on the poster motif?


Composed of cups and cosmetics containers, this mask costume denounces the pollution of planet earth by plastic waste. It was created in 2023 by artist Sarah Ndele from the DR Congo and is now on display at the Museum Fünf Kontinente. As a member of the artist collective Ndaku Ya, Ndele refers to the significant role of mask rituals in many African societies when coping in times of crisis.