Museum Mineralogia


Event location

Museum Mineralogia

Theresienstraße 41
entrance on Marianne-von-Werefkin-Weg

80333 Munich

(089) 21 80 43 12


partly barrier-free

At a glance :
6:00 pm - 1:00 am o' clock: Permanent exhibition
6:00 pm - 1:00 am o' clock: Special exhibition „MoonImpact – So entstand der Mond (How the moon was formed)“

The Museum Mineralogia Munich offers an attractive and active program. You can learn about minerals and rocks at activity tables. This includes making crystal models, microscoping minerals, finding out which raw materials are in a smartphone and why a volcano erupts. In addition to the permanent exhibition, you can also visit the current special exhibition “MoonImpact - So entstand der Mond" (How the moon was formed).