Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke


Event location

Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke

Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10

80333 Munich

(089) 28 92 76 90


barrier-free (please announce on site)

At a glance :
9:00 pm o' clock: plaster demonstration
12:00 am o' clock: Gloves for everyone!

Special Exhibition “Mehr als nur Sport: GymnAsia in der Antike” (More than just Sports: GymnAsia in Ancient Times)

The "gymnasion" was one of the central institutions in an ancient city. It was a place of athletic training, military education and intellectual upbringing, all at the same time. It was here that the future citizens of cities were shaped and introduced to their rights and duties. Hourly: short, guided tours of the special exhibition.


9 pm: plaster-casting demonstration
Midnight: Gloves for all so that you can touch your way around the plaster casts!