Jüdisches Museum München

Event location

Jüdisches Museum München

St.-Jakobs-Platz 16

80331 Munich

(089) 23 39 60 96



At a glance :
6:30 pm o' clock: Introduction into the exhibition „Bildgeschichten“
8:30 pm o' clock: Introduction into the exhibition „Bildgeschichten“
10:30 pm o' clock: Introduction into the exhibition „Bildgeschichten“
7:00 pm o' clock: Folkadu
8:00 pm o' clock: Folkadu
9:00 pm o' clock: Folkadu
7:30 pm o' clock: Introduction into the permanent exhibition
9:30 pm o' clock: Introduction into the permanent exhibition
11:30 pm o' clock: Introduction into the permanent exhibition
6:00 pm - 1:00 am o' clock: Pop-up-gallery for the exhibition „Bildgeschichten“
6:00 pm - 1:00 am o' clock: Inklusive program

Unfortunately the program has been canceled!