Europäisches Patentamt (EPA)

Baaderstraße & Boschbrücke

Event location

Europäisches Patentamt (EPA)

Bob‑van‑Benthem‑Platz 1

80469 Munich

(089) 2399 - 0


No presale

From kids to artists

Take a family tour off on a playful voyage of discovery through the world of contemporary art. Just look at all the surprising materials and odds-and-ends artists use to turn their ideas into art. Visit a practical workshop where you can become creative yourselves and tinker around, glue, build or paint your own artworks!

2 – 3.30 pm: for children aged 6 to 10

4 – 5.30 pm: for children aged 11 to 14

REGISTRATIONS POSSIBLE HERE (please note that all tours are in german language only).