Stattreisen München - Treffpunkt: Spielzeugmuseum

Event location

Stattreisen München - Treffpunkt: Spielzeugmuseum


Limitation of participants on site


Marienplatz 15

80331 Munich

(089) 54 40 42 30



At a glance :
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm o' clock: A stroll through the centre of Munich
8:00 pm - 8:45 pm o' clock: A stroll through the centre of Munich

A stroll through the centre of Munich

Limitation of participants on site

7 & 8pm:

It all started with salt. And then? The small settlement ‘near the monks’ changed rapidly to become the Bavarian capital. The journey through time from the founding of the city to modern Munich provides an insight into the development of the city.