
Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art - MUCA


Event location

Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art - MUCA


Registration necessary


Hotterstraße 12

80331 Munich

(089) 2 15 52 43 10


partially barrier-free

At a glance :
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm, every 30 minutes o' clock: Guided tour through the exhibition "The Weight of Things"


Limited number of participants.
Registration possible from October here.

6 – 11 pm (every 30 min.): For the first time in Germany, some of the most iconic works by world-famous artist Damien Hirst can be seen in a major solo exhibition at the MUCA. The exhibition “The Weight of Things” comprises over 40 works, including installations, sculptures and paintings, some of which have never been shown before. The largest Hirst Spot Painting in the world can also be seen on the museum wall in the outdoor area.

Limited number of participants