Museum Mensch und Natur / Naturkundemuseum Bayern

Schloss Nymphenburg

Event location

Museum Mensch und Natur / Naturkundemuseum Bayern

Schloss Nymphenburg

80638 Munich

(089) 1 79 58 90



At a glance :
6:00 pm - 1:00 am o' clock: exhibitions

In keeping with the Museum Man and Culture and Natural History Museum’s special exhibition “Skelette – Choreografen der Bewegung" (Skeletons - Choreographers of Movement), the Black Theater “Magische Makkaroni“ (Magical Macaroni) will make bones dance while you can discover lots of exciting things at hands-on stations. The evening will also offer an opportunity to view the “Wild Munich” exhibition and meet the participating photographers, experience the earthquake simulator, spin the wheel of fortune or crack geodes. Refreshments will be available at Café Limulus.