Museum Fünf Kontinente


Event location

Museum Fünf Kontinente

Maximilianstraße 42

80538 Munich

(089) 2 10 13 61 00


barrier-free via Knöbelstraße, pre-registration at (089) 2 10 13 61 00

At a glance :
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm o' clock: Curator Tour through the Permanent Exhibition "Sub-Saharan Africa"
8:00 pm - 8:30 pm o' clock: Curator Tour through the Permanent Exhibition "Sub-Saharan Africa"

Curator Tour through the Permanent Exhibition "Sub-Saharan Africa"

limited number of participants
Registration at: kunstvermittlung@remove-this.mfk-weltoffen.de

7, 8 pm: Dr. Stefan Eisenhofer will guide you through the permanent exhibition “Subsahara-Afrika. Lebendige Traditionen – Kreative Gegenwart" (Sub-Saharan Africa. Living Traditions - Creative Present) with a focus on the collection of contemporary African art, in particular works by contemporary African artists such as Romuald Hazoumè, El Loko, Pieter Hugo and Ransome Stanley.

Lasts 30 min. each