Espace Louis Vuitton München

Event location

Espace Louis Vuitton München

Maximilianstraße 2 a

80539 Munich

(089) 5 58 93 81 00


No presale

from 7 p.m.: barrier-free with quick registration at info_espace.de@louisvuitton.com

At a glance :
6:00 pm - 1:00 am o' clock: exhibition

Sarah Morris – As Slow as Possibles

The Espace Louis Vuitton Munich is thrilled to present “As Slow as Possibles,” a new exhibit devoted to US artist Sarah Morris. For this exhibit, Morris will be showing three video installations from her inventory: “Capital” (2000), “Points on a Line” (2010) and “Strange Magic” (2014). In these works, the artist plays with ideas surrounding spectacles, trade goods and power.