BMW Museum


Event location

BMW Museum


Registration necessary


Am Olympiapark 2

80809 Munich

(089) 1 25 01 60 01



At a glance :
6:00 pm - 1:00 am o' clock: New exhibition "BMW in motorsports"

Experience the Long Night at the BMW Museum

Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of BMW during the Long Night and discover the newly designed exhibition rooms dedicated to the exciting topic of BMW in motorsports. Experience up close the legendary touring cars and racing motorcycles that have made history. A special highlight is the room dedicated to the iconic BMW 507, which once belonged to the King of Rock 'n' Roll, Elvis Presley. This masterpiece of automotive history can be admired in an authentic 1950s ambience. The foyer has been fitted with an innovative PAVEGEN floor, which generates clean energy with every step. Visitors therefore make an active contribution to sustainability just by walking. A DJ will provide the perfect atmosphere with cool music vibes, while the M1 Bistro will offer guests tasty snacks and refreshing drinks. Look forward to an unforgettable night full of automotive history and modern innovations at the BMW Museum!