Bayerische Volkssternwarte München e. V.

Bus stops

Event location

Bayerische Volkssternwarte München e. V.

Rosenheimer Straße 145 h, Rgb.
Entry through Anzinger Straße 13 (note signage)

81671 Munich

(089) 40 62 39


Not barrier-free

At a glance :
6:00 pm - 12:30 am o' clock: Guided tours through the Observatory

The exhibition will present our solar system with the aid of pictorial models including a meteorite collection with a “true piece of space” for all to touch. In the ZEISS Planetarium, you will experience the dreamlike star-filled heaven above you and get a description of current constellations. To conclude the tour, we will go to the telescopes on the roof terrace – in clear weather for observations of the most beautiful objects in the evening and night sky.

Starting every 20 min., last entry at midnight