
Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München


Event location

Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München


Registration necessary


Burgstraße 4

80331 Munich

No presale

At a glance :
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm o' clock: Tour with Cultural Advisor Anton Biebl
11:00 pm - 1:30 am o' clock: Tour with Cultural Advisor Anton Biebl

Limited number of participants.
Registration possible from October here.

7, 11 pm: Cultural Advisor Anton Biebl, born in Munich in 1962, shows his favorite places in Munich's club culture: then and now still legendary, vanished or a current attraction for Munich's nightlife. The route leads from Riem to Schwabing and revives the 70s/80s and the youthful feeling of the time.

Lasts 2.5 hours