Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, BlackBox


Event location

Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, BlackBox

Georg-Muche-Straße 4

80807 Munich

(089) 55 27 30 60



At a glance :
6:00 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
6:30 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
7:00 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
7:30 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
8:00 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
8:30 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
9:00 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
9:30 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
10:00 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition
10:30 pm o' clock: Tour through the exhibition

The World in my Hand

How do artists engage with the smartphone? Since its invention in 2007, the smartphone has become an indispensable part of our lives. Short, guided tours will provide insight into dialogs between the smartphone as an object and the social debates that its use triggers. Short films matching the exhibition theme will widen the view.

6 – 11 pm: tours every 30 minutes, short movies with popcorn